Westpac Australia

Westpac Australia sees a 60% boost to organic traffic, again

  • Content Strategy
  • Content Writing
  • SEO Writing

Westpac has always been a strong presence in the Australian home loan market. and the team wanted to build on its market share. Having already partnered with BOW to reimagine the Home Loans section of Westpac.com.au in 2022 and lay a base of rich content articles, the team were ready to take it to the next level and get even more ambitious with boosting organic traffic.


Every day, thousands of Australians have questions about banks, mortgages and home buying. The home loan market is huge and fiercely competitive, with the big players all angling for spots on Google’s front page. Government pages have a lock on the top spots for keywords, and home loan keyword difficulty was rated ‘hard’ by SEM Rush at 70 out of 100.

How could Westpac tailor their content to provide more information to everyday Aussies and drive organic traffic to their site?


The Westpac team came to Big on Writing, knowing that we had a specialist team of experience writers who had deep knowledge of the home loan market. We worked alongside Westpac to develop 14 long-form articles that would not only hit the right keywords, but deliver valuable insights for readers.

Working together, Westpac and Big on Writing identified 14 keywords, based around topics where they knew homebuyers were looking for guidance and expertise.

Articles included:

·      Private sale vs auction: what to consider

·      How a bigger home loan deposit could help you save money

·      Understanding your home loan repayments


Westpac now ranks in the top three search results for six of the 14 keywords. They’re in the top 10 for another three keywords, and in the top 20 for the remaining five.

Between August 2023, when the articles were launched, and March 2024, there was a 59.28% increase in traffic to the Westpac site resulting from home loan search queries.

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