Volkswagen Revenant Ultra-Adventure

Stunning content over six years, captured by our videographers, photographers and writers.

  • Content Strategy
  • Social Media
  • Videography
  • Photography

This one-of-a-kind, 190 km, 60-hour race embodies all the values of the Deep South: A love of the environment, sustainable business, and pure, raw unsupported toughness.

The global audience for ultra-adventure competitors is incredibly niche, so the way this endurance event was presented needed to feel completely authentic. Our creators captured this 190km, 60-hour race, with the content able to be re-cut and re-used many times to form the backbone of the Revenant’s loyal followers. At launch, the race got a 20-page feature in North & South and a front-page story in NZ Geographic, with news stories on television every year. It has collectively gained a 30,000 following across FB and Instagram.

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