
The term ‘revolutionary technology’ just got real for the humble valve

  • Content Audit
  • Content Strategy
  • Digital Writing
  • UX Writing
  • Tone Of Voice


Hammerforce had taken the application of industrial valve technology to a new level. Its application was global and far reaching, from the very large to the very small, across virtually every manufacturing industry. Part of BOW’s challenge was to tell this (highly complex) story to the world, without giving away any IP Hammerforce had developed for their competitors to see. But that wasn’t even the hard part.

The bigger challenge was to open their potential customers eyes to the scale of what they’d developed; and how Hammerforce’s unique collaboration methodology could help solve business problems the customer didn’t even know they had.  What Hammerforce had created, and how they worked, meant we weren’t just talking to the world best engineers, its application reached deep into the fundamental business model of some of the biggest industrial companies in the world.


In what was “the most challenging technical digital writing we’ve ever done,” claims BOW Writing Director, Gary Norris; our BOW team crafted simple digital copy to explain revolutionary valve and actuation IP that can outperform traditional combustion, hydraulics or electrical systems.The project involved our Digital Strategist and team of writers working alongside the web designers and the Hammerforce technical team, to craft the complex UX journey in a way that made sense to both the chief executive, and the chief engineer.

Our BOW writers then massaged intricate customer value propositions into pithy digital copy that conveyed the far reaching possibilities and potential of a collaborative Hammerforce partnership.  With the website copy completed in record time, we then fed our knowledge into Special Group’s video creation, which has amazing graphics.


Engaging website content that spoke to both a global C-suite audience, and high level engineers of the biggest industrial companies in the world in their language, and opened their eyes to the business-wide cost savings and next level innovation Hammerforce technology offers.


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